Încercări de modernizare a ruralului sălăjean în ultimul deceniu al perioadei interbelice

  • Subiect: Attempts to modernize the rural area in Sălaj in the last decade of the war period The process of modernization of the rural Salaj, started in the first decade of the interwar period, continued in the period under our study. At the beginning of the third decade, it was seriously affected by the great world economic crisis (1929–1933), but we find that, nevertheless, in the villages of Salaj, the infrastructure modernization works continued, albeit at a much lower intensity. The second stage of modernization of the rural Sălaj, which overlaps with the exit from the world economic crisis and the liberal government (1934–1937), was characterized by the implementation, both in Sălaj and at national level, of an ambitious project of modernization of the rural environment, and not only, especially on the basis of the law on the conversion of agricultural debts into public benefits. The project also benefited from good coordination by the state, with all the bureaucracy that existed during that period. We note, in particular, the activity of the prefect of Sălaj county at that time, Mihail Gurzău, but also of the praetors, of the village elite, priests and teachers, who tried to convince the peasants of the need to modernize the infrastructure, the education system and health system, etc., although they often clashed with the conservatism of the Romanian peasant. The third stage of modernization of the villages of Sălaj corresponds to the authoritarian Carlist regime, established on February 10, 1938. Regarding the rural environment, it can be seen that the modernization works continued, sometimes even being imposed, more or less, by the representatives of the authoritarian regime established by King Carol II, being interrupted by the outbreak of the Second World War. Of course, we must not forget the main actor of this process – the Romanian peasant – who performed all these works, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes through public service in exchange for agricultural debts, sometimes imposed by the state. Although the older rural generation was conservative and opposed to change, the younger, more educated generations understood the need to modernize the villages.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Periferii locale, periferii imperiale
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: Editura Porolissum a Muzeului Judeţean
  • Loc publicare: Zalău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2020
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XLII; anul 2020; seria istorie-etnografie
  • Paginaţia: 123-149
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