Biserica strămoşească din Banatul de sud şi contribuţia sa la făurirea României Mari (1867-1918)

  • Subiect: Following the great concessions of the Court of Vienna in the Hungarian Government advantage as that one claimed the re-joining of the Banat to Hungary, a partly materialized fact in December 1860 and fulfilled in 1872 (when the Banatian Military Confinium was abolished and the border territories were joined to the same state organization), the Romanian society in the region reacted promptly in order to defend the national existence. The Forefathers' Church involved itself in many fields of that battle. After the politic sanction of the dual monarchy in 1867, in spite of voting some apparent liberal laws, the process of a forced "Magyarization" became the state politics of the Hungarian governments until 1918. It was expected to be successful especially by the education system subordinating. The laws in that field were passed and applied beginning with 1879, so that the laws voted in 1883 and mainly in 1907 intended to be the most accurate means to create the great Magyar nation with the non-Hungarian nations’ assimilation. The merit of the Romanian Church consists in succeeding to defend the Romanian confessional schools, where the teaching process developed mainly into Romanian, as well as in creating some theological and pedagogical schools to implement and improve the national ideal. The Romanian Orthodox Episcopacy of Caransebeş created and supported the Diocesan Theological Institute, the Diocesan Pedagogic Institute, the Diocesan Printing Works, and the Diocesan Bookshop. Ioan Popasu, Nicolae Popea and dr. Elie Miron Cristea as bishops there were all devoted to those establishments.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Arheologie - Istorie
  • Vezi publicația: Tibiscum
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean de Etnografie şi al Regimentului de Graniţă Caransebeş
  • Loc publicare: Caransebeş
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2003
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XI; anul 2003; subtitlu: Studii şi Comunicări de Etnografie-Istorie; seria Etnografie-Istorie
  • Paginaţia: 353-380
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