Un protest al sacagiilor oraşului Chişinău din anul 1821

  • Subiect: A protest of water carriers from Chisinau in 1821 The following article is based on a file, found in the National Archive of the Republic of Moldova, regarding a complaint of a group of water carriers from Chisinau, addressed to the civil governor of Bessarabia in 1821. The plaintiffs ask the interdiction of some other water carriers that were newcomers in Chisinau (from Moldova across the Prut river border) and that would have caused unfair competition. The governor ordered the town Duma (urban administration) to examine and solve the petition, taking into account the interests of water carriers, who at that time had an essential role in supplying with potable water the public institutions and the population of Chisinau. The documents of the file contain unpublished information about the water carrier occupation such as the legal framework of the profession or the number of persons that had this job. The water carriers had to supply with water the hospital and other public settlements of the town therefore being exempt from the obligation of hosting military men and other social duties. It can be noticed the water carriers’ tendency to raise the price of water sold to population in a period of time when Chisinau has registered an important demographic growth. The town Duma found a solution not to admit the artificial raise of water price, i.e. to supplement the number of working places as water carrier. The water carriers from Chisinau belonged rather to the poor social layer of the town, the majority being part of Jewish community, the others representing the Christian townsfolk. The water carriers contributed to the creation of the public park, as well as to the construction of the urban hospital and the prison, by supplying the workers with water for free. The main source of water for Chisinau was the spring near Mazarache hill. The decline of water carrier profession began after 1892, as the first networks of urban aqueduct appeared.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Arheologie-Istorie
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Terrae Fogarasiensis: ActaTF
  • Editura: ALTIP
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2014
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 3; anul 2014
  • Paginaţia: 383-400
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