The garrison units of Bârlad in the Eastem and Western campaigns during the Second World War

  • TITLU în română: Unităţi din garnizoana Bârlad în campaniile din est şi din vest în Al Doilea Război Mondial
  • Subiect: After a period of neutrality (the 6th of September 1939- the 28th of May 1940) and non-belligerence (the 28th of May 1940- the 22nd of June 1941), general Ion Antonescu military government adheres to the Axis (the 23nd of November 1940) and decides that Romania will participate in the Eastern Campaign, alongside of Nazi Germany and its allies. ln the hard battles for the liberation of the Romanian territories( occupied by thew Soviet Union by ultimatum on the 26th of June 1940) there was also the assertion of regiments from Bârlad: the 12th Regiment of lnfantery, the 23th Regiment of Artillery, the 2nd Regiment of Cavalry. After the meeting between Hitler and A ntonescu (the 6th of August 1941) from Berdicev, Ukraine, the military operation is decided to continue beyond the Dniester. The regiments from Bârlad, like the entire Romanian army, paid a high price for participating in this Eastern Campaign: the battles at Odessa (the 1 4th of August - the 16th of October 1941), Stalingrad (September 1942- February 1943), the Crimeea Peninsula (October 1943- April 1944). The Soviet Union's offensive on the 20th of August 1944, the breaking of the laşi-Chişinău front favored the coup d'etat on the 23th of August 1944 in Bucharest, the arrest of the Antonescu government and the change of sides (Romania was going to fight against itsformer ally, Germany). The regiments from Bârlad were in the Prut area and in the south of Basarabia on the 23th of August 1944. On the 24th of August 1 944, the order to stop the hostilities against the Soviet Union was received. ln the new juncture, the regrouped regiments from Bârlad participated in the liberation of Transylvania. The 2nd Regiment of Cavalery continued the Western Campaign for the liberation of Hungary and Czechoslovakia. A mang the thousands of heroes of this war there were alsa heroes from Bârlad: lieutenant Roman Iosif, decorated with „The Star of Romania" Order, I class, and sergent Stanciu Constantin , decorated with the „Bravery and Faith " Medal, both decorated with the „Mihai Viteazul" Order, 3nd class, many others.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Miscellanea
  • Vezi publicația: Studii şi Articole de Istorie: SAI
  • Loc publicare: Călăraşi
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 77; anul 2010; subtitlu: Cursurile de vară ale societăţii de Ştiinţe Istorice din România
  • Paginaţia: 303-319
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