Preotul Vasile C. Ursăcescu (1884-1949), întemeietorul primului muzeu sătesc de antichităţi din România. Succintă expunere biografică

  • Subiect: „Vasile C. Ursăcescu was a high priest, born on the 4th of Aprilie 1884 in Fălciu county (today Vaslui county). He served in several churches throughout his life – Nalbant and Ostrov (Tulcea county), Galata church (Iaşi county), Zizinca, Dolheşti and Olteneşti (Fălciu county). He collected numerous antiques such as roman and Greek cultural objects – Christian and pagan lamps, religious, stones, gold, silver, copper and bronze coins, jewelry, documents, spears, swords, pots, funeral stones, etc. In 1908 he founded the Museum of History and Zoology in Nalbant, and in 1918 he also founded the Museum of Antiques in Curteni. It was the first of this kind in Romania. He was apart of several archeological and historical societies and commissions: member of Archeological and Numismatic Society of Romania, member of the Royal Romanian Geography Society, member of the Church Archeological Society of Bassarabia, etc. Vasile C. Ursăcescu published numerous works on the churches of Fălciu county. He also published religious book such as „Christian Antiques on the land of Our Country” (1923), „Slavonic Psalter 1577-1580”, „Writing on Old Books” (1926). To this day, some of his works remain unpublished, still on its original manuscripts, and many may have been lost through the years. Vasile C. Ursăcescu was reworded for his merits with titles bestowed by the church. His activity was described by many respected authorities in the field such as the academician Nicolae Iorga, I. Andrieşescu, university professor I. Simionescu, academician Ion Bianu, academician Gh. Mihăilă, and many others. Vasile C. Ursăcescu died on the 26th of August 1949. ”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2008
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: III; anul 2008
  • Paginaţia: 157-162
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