Ambiguities of aurignacian-gravettian surfaces at Mitoc-Malu Galben, Botoşani County, Middle Prut Valley: 39 14C and AMS radiocarbon values

  • TITLU în română: Ambiguităţi ale suprafeţelor aurignaciano-gravettiene de la Mitoc-Malu Galben, judeţul Botoşani, cursul mijlociu al Prutului: 39 valori C14 şi AMS radiocarbon
  • Subiect: The local Aurignacian Technocomplex in Western Moldavia and Middle Prut Valley at Mitoc appears to be constituted by 32,000 and 29,000 BP (samples 39 to 36) (fig. 1, table 1). The equivalent climatic marker horizon seems to be early and late Arcy-Denekamp 1-2 oscillations. The transition to the following Gravettian Technocomplex may be securely placed at about 27,330 BP (samples 31-35, table 1). The chronoclimatic correlates are the early and middle parts of the local Dunsevo = Briansk oscillation (Allsworth-Jones 1986, table 1). Continuing Gravettian surfaces (samples 30 to 9), 26, 595-25, 570-24, 575, perhaps the main one is dated to both the later part of the Dunsevo = Briansk and throughout the Tursac oscillations at 23,430 BP (table 1). The glaciofluvial alluvium mantling the top of the site has a mean of 20,325 BP (samples 3-6, table 1). It is equivalent to the end of the Tursac phase and the beginning of the Valdai Maximum (Soffer 1985). In sum, the author believes the total Aurignacian-Gravettian sequences at Mitoc had a period of about 12,000 years BP to develop. They are without precedent in the south-eastern parts of Europe.
  • Limba de redactare: engleză
  • Secţiunea: Cercetări interdisciplinare în arheologie
  • Vezi publicația: Memoria Antiquitatis: MemAntiq
  • Editura: Complexul Muzean Judeţean Neamţ
  • Loc publicare: Piatra Neamţ
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1995
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XX; anul 1995; subtitlu: Acta Musei Petrodavensis
  • Paginaţia: 173-183
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