Regele Ferdinand întregitorul în Bucovina.16-18 mai 1920

  • Subiect: The Great Union of 1918 brought on the agenda of politicians from Romania the integration task of unified provinces: Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania. Visiting these provinces, between 1919-1920, by King Ferdinand and Queen Maria symbolizes the expansion of the authority and legitimacy of their monarchs and Romania. The journey to Bukovina (16 to 18 May 1920) is part of the political program being carried out under the protection of Stephen the Great, symbol-recovery of Romanian history in the region, King Ferdinand being identified as the heir and successor of the great hero. The protocol of the visit contains everywhere the same elements identifying royalty with the people: beautifully decorated towns, receiving with bread and salt, accompanied all the way by villagers horseback, parade royal troops, religious services, celebrations of school and cultural societies, toasts and speeches, withdrawals with torches. The note that characterizes this first trip to Bukovina is the crowd enthusiasm to the presence of the royal family, ensuring minorities by the authorities for their ethno-cultural development and the adherence to the new province-state political realities. Putna oath, at the tomb of Stephen the Great certifies these static elements. From this point of view, the first trip of King Ferdinand I and Queen Mary in Bukovina was considered a real success.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie şi memorialistică
  • Vezi publicația: Buridava - Studii şi Materiale: Buridava
  • Editura: Offsetcolor
  • Loc publicare: Râmnicu Vâlcea
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2013-2014
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XI; anul 2013-2014
  • Paginaţia: 192-203
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