Alexandru Marghiloman - germanofil sau rusofob?

  • Subiect: Alexandru Marghiloman - Germanophile or Russophobe? Now, in the year of the Great Union Centenary, when we pay our respects to the great figures who made the great 1918 Union possible, to us, the people of Buzau, stands out by far the greatest politician of our land - Alexandru Marghiloman. After a brief legal career as Prosecutor in Ilfov and Ombudsman, in around 1884 he started his political ascension, being elected deputy in the Junimea group headed by the Moldavian boyar Petre P. Carp. At the Crown Council in Sinaia, on July 21th, 1914, summoned by the old King Carol I to decide the fate of the country, in those crucial moments at the beginning of World War I, Marghiloman comes up with the suggestion of „military wait-and-see", i.e. a state of neutrality that seemed to favour the Central Powers. Loyal to the Junimea romanticism, Marghiloman wants to remain a real man of honour, like the medieval knights, in respecting, at least formally, the old alliance signed in 1883 by the King with the Central Powers. He reaches the peak of his political career in March 5th - October 24th, 1918, when, on the one hand, he patriotically coordinates the union of Bessarabia with the Mother Land, on March 27/April 9, and, on the other hand, he makes the sacrifice of salvaging the state and dynasty in one of the crucial moments in Romania history - signing a „Carthaginian peace" with the Triple Alliance on April 24/May 7. Marghiloman gives a masterly justification: „Great Romania was made neither due to your political opinions, nor your plans ... you should know, Romania was made out of the instinct of all Romanians, not the calculations of others!".
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Analele Buzăului
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Buzău
  • Loc publicare: Buzău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2018
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: X
  • Paginaţia: 121-126
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