Muzeele româneşti din judeţele Covasna şi Harghita - continuatoare a tradiţiilor astriste din zonă

  • Subiect: Through their geographical position the Covasna and Harghita counties served, along the years, as a bridge between the Romanians from Moldavia and Muntenia. ln eastern Transilvania the Romanian - Hungarian cohabitation led to the development of a prolific cultural synthesis, in the context of a true interethnic relationship. Beginning with the first museum established in Sfântu Gheorghe, in 1879, the museum network in the two counties developed continuously, comprising today a number of 10 institutions. The decentralization process that started after 1989, as a natural counter-reaction to the excessive centralism of the communist period, still goes on today. ln this context, all county and local museums from the two counties were transformed in Szeckler museums, changing not only their names but also the structure of their patrimony, staff and research programmes, institutions that do not continue today the research of the patrimony of the Romanian communities. As an initiative of the cultural and civic associations form the area, and with the support of the Romanian Orthodox Church, after 1990, there were established ecclesiastical museums in Sf. Gheorghe and Topliţa, institutions that continue the regional traditions of the Astra Association. These ecclesiastical museums tried to create an image, more or less complete, of the specific of the Romanian communities in Covasna and Harghita, but they could not cover the functions of a professional museum. ln the given circumstances, in January 1999, as a resuit of the actions taken by the civil society, the Museum of the Eastern Carpathians (Muzeul Carpaţilor Răsăriteni) was established. This institution is subordinated to the Ministry of Culture and Cults. This museum has already managed to prove itself to be a dynamic and efficient institution, through its modern concept of organisation and the performing management of the institution's leadership. A major problem of the Romanian culture in Covasna and Harghita counties is represented by the survival of the professional cultural institutions, in the perspective of the decentralization, because subtle ethnical sensibilities can be felt in the activity of the local museums. ln the given circumstances, there is a need of taking some measures against the effects the decentralization process might have upon the existence of the Museum of the Eastern Carpathians (Muzeul Carpaţilor Răsăriteni) . This museum is a fundamental institution for the preservation and promotion of Romanian culture in this area, and it should be able to follow its aims without being subordinated to the local politica! options. ln this sense, the only solution is to keep the Museum of the Eastern Carpathians (Muzeul Carpaţilor Răsăriteni) under the direct subordination of the Ministry of Culture and Cults, with the rang of National Museum.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Cibinium
  • Loc publicare: Sibiu
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2001-2005
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: anul 2001-2005; seria 2001-2005
  • Paginaţia: 86-95
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