Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic BADEA, Lori (autor) Remarks concentring the convergence of the Jacoby and Gauss-Seidel interative processes for the positive definite, symmetric systems of linear equations 1153-1165
articol de periodic BATBEDAT, Andre (autor) Le spectre plein d'un ensemble ordonne 1167-1177
articol de periodic BAJPAI, S.K. (autor) , BAJPAI, S.S. (autor) The lower type of entire functions repressented by Dirichlet series, III 1179-1183
articol de periodic DOCHIȚOIU, Constantin (autor) Sur l'algebre de cohomologie de la varieteu oraddmannienne complexe 1185-1188
articol de periodic DURDIL, Jiri (autor) On symetric differentiation 1189-1197
articol de periodic ERDELYI, I. (autor) On a theorem of Foiaș 1199-1205
articol de periodic GHEORGHE, Adrian (autor) Reliability prediction of systems with semi-Markov structure 1225-1241
articol de periodic ISTRĂȚESCU, Ioana (autor) On generalized complete probabilistic metric spaces 1243-1247
articol de periodic PREDA, Vasile (autor) Complerness of admissible solutions class 1259-1266
articol de periodic VODĂ, Viorel (autor) Some interferences on the generalized Gompertz distribution 1267-1278
articol de periodic ZAIDMAN, S. (autor) A partial differential equation with almost-periodic right-hand side 1279-1287
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) First-Passage Percolation on the Square Lattice - Smythw R.T., Wierman J.C. 1289-1289
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Special Functions. Probability Semigroups and Hamiltonian Flows - Feinsilver Philip 1289-1289
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Stochastic Approximation Methods for Constrained and Unconstrained Systems - Kushner H.J., Clark D.S. 1290-1290
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Couterexamples in Topology - Steen L.A., Seebach J.A. 1290-1290
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Probability Theory on Vector Spaces - Weron A. 1290-1291
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Classical Basnach Spaces I. - Lindenstraus Joram, Tzafriri Lior 1291-1291
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Stochastic Convergence of Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Linear Spaces - Taylor Robert 1291-1292
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Constructive Theory of Functions of Several Variables - Schempp W., Zeller K. 1292-1292
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Theory pf the Price Index - Eichhorn Wolfgang, Voeller Joachim 1292-1292
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Topological Vector Spaces. The Theory Without Convexity Conditions - Adasch Norbert, Ernst Bruno, Keim Dieter 1292-1293
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Wahrscheinlicjkeitheorie - Ganssler P., Stute 1293-1293
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Operations Research Handbook: Standard algorithms and Methods with Examples - Eiselt Horst, von Frajer Helmut 1293-1293
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Group Teory - Bryce R.A., Cossey J., NewMan M.F. 1293-1295
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Information and Experimental Families in Statistical Theory - Barndorff-Nielsen O. 1295-1295
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ștefan (autor) Diffusion Processes and Related Topics in Biology - Ricciardi Luigi 1295-1296