Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, C. (autor) , DOLOCAN, V. (autor) On the photoelerctrometric and photoconductive lifetimes in the presence of trapping 491-496
articol de periodic BOCA, I. (autor) Strong absorption model analysis of 3He elastic scattering 497-513
articol de periodic CUCUREZEANU, I. (autor) , TUDORACHE, S. (autor) Influence des collision des atomes Argon sur les atomes Socium excites 515-520
articol de periodic RINGGHIOPOL, I. (autor) Dependence de la resolution du spetrometre beta de type Kilman de l'instabilite de ses champs magnetiques 521-526
articol de periodic IONESCU, Theodor (autor) , IONESCU, Dumitru (autor) Zeeman effect in nitrogen oxide, oxygen, neon and hydrogen at high quantum numbers and freqzencies from 5 to 20 MHz 527-545
articol de periodic DUMITRU, S. (autor) On the magnetodynamic equations 547-549
articol de periodic VODĂ, M. (autor) , TRUȚIA, A. (autor) On the growth of CdCl2: CoCl2 single crystals 551-552
articol de periodic HAFNER, H. (autor) Sur une explication demi-classique de l'electron a spin 553-556
articol de periodic TOPLICEANU, C. (autor) , RUXANDRA, V. (autor) , MUNTEANUI (autor) , CIUDIN, T. (autor) Temperature dependence of the Bond-Gap energy in CdSe:Cl thin layers 557-558
articol de periodic ZĂGĂNESCU, M. (autor) , BIRĂU, O. (autor) , ANDRU, D. (autor) The X-ray influence on the Gyulai effect in KBr singlecrystals 559-651
articol de periodic ANDREESCU, Ileana (autor) L'influence des canaux d'helicite sur l'aspect de la distribution de transfert de quelques interactions quasi-deux-corps 563-565
articol de periodic DRĂGHICESCU, M. (autor) , DRĂGHICESCU, P. (autor) , GROSESCU, R. (autor) , BALLA, D. (autor) Dynamic polarization in electron-irradiated polycarbonates 567-568
articol de periodic MASTAN, I. (autor) , MERCEA, Victor (autor) Metastable dissociation of the CH4 ions in the methane mass spectrum 569-571