Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic ALPAY, Șafak (autor) On collectively compact positive operators 779-791
articol de periodic BASARAB, Șerban (autor) Distributions on distributive Lattices and profinite groups 793-815
articol de periodic BOLONDI, Giorgio (autor) Zeuthen problem and cohomology 817-823
articol de periodic NĂSTĂSESCU, Constantin (autor) Smash product and applications to finiteness conditions 825-837
articol de periodic POPESCU, Dorin (autor) Flatness in non-noetherian ring theory 839-854
articol de periodic URSIANU, Emiliana (autor) Optimal Experiment Desing for Dynamic System Indentification - Zarrop Martin 855-855
articol de periodic RĂUȚU, Gheorghe (autor) Seminaire de Probabilites XVIII - Azema I., Yor M. 855-855
articol de periodic NEMETHI, A. (autor) Knol Theory and Manifolds - Rolfsen D. 855-856
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Approximation Theory in Tensor Product Spaces - Light W.A., Chency E.W. 856-856
articol de periodic PAPADIMA, Ștefan (autor) Algebra, Algebraic Topology and their Interactions - Roos J.E. 856-856
articol de periodic IANUȘ, Stere (autor) Differential Geometry - Naveira A.M., Forrandez A., Mascaro F. 856-856
articol de periodic RĂDULESCU, Florin (autor) On the C*-Algebras of Foliations in the Plane - Wang Xiaoui 857-857
articol de periodic RĂDULESCU, Florin (autor) Equivariant K-Theory and Freeness of Group Action on C*-Algebras 857-857
articol de periodic URSIANU, Emiliana (autor) Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology - Frauenthal J.E. 857-858
articol de periodic IANUȘ, Stere (autor) Einstein Manifolds - Besse Arthur 858-658
articol de periodic PRIPOAE, Gabriel (autor) History of Non-Euclidean Geometry. Evolution of the Concept of a Geometric Space - Rosenfeld B.A. 858-858
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Tiberiu (autor) Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigevalueds - Bhatia Rajendra 858-659
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Pseudo-Orbits of Contact Forms - Bahri A. 859-659
articol de periodic TIBA, Dan (autor) Nonlinear variational problems. Volume II - Marino Antonio, Venkatesha Murthy 859-660
articol de periodic ZBĂGANU, Gheorghiță (autor) Stochastic Processes With a Multidimmesional Parameter - Dozzi M. 859-660
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Strong Asymptoties for Extremed Errors and Polynomials Associated With Erdos-Type Weights - Lubinsky D.S. 860-660
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Tiberiu (autor) Combinatorial Configurations - Tonchev Vladimir 860-660
articol de periodic STRĂTILĂ, Șerban (autor) The General Stoke's Theorem 860-660
articol de periodic STANOMIR, Dumitru (autor) Mathematical Programming. An Introduction to Optimization - Jeter Melvyn 861-861
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Fundamentals of Pattern Recognition - Pavel Monique 861-861
articol de periodic PRIPOAE, Gabriel (autor) Computers in Geometry and Topology - Tangora C.M. 861-862
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Constructive Methods for the Practical treatment of Integral Equations - Hammerling G. 862-862
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Tiberiu (autor) Aurent Serier and Their Pade Approximations - Bultheel Adhemar 862-862
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Tiberiu (autor) Mathematical Methods in Electrical Enginrrring - Thomas B.A. 862-862
articol de periodic ALEXANDRU, Victor (autor) Application of Fibonacci Numbers - Philippou A.N., Horadam A.F., Bergum G.E. 862-863
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Modelling and Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems - Kusiak Andrew 863-863
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Bereic Stromungstehre im Institut Stromungslehre und Stromungsmaschinen - Felsch K.O., Marcinowski H., Zierep J. 863-863