Biserica Sf. Nicolae a fostului schit Bălteni Studiu istoric şi de arhitectură

  • Subiect: „The article is structured, in general, as a monument file: identification details, description and comparative analysis. ldentification details are presented first: location of the monument from the administrative and topographic perspective, as well as codes assigned to it in the list of historic monuments since 1955 until today. The chapter dedicated to the historic background of the monument presents, in the first part, documentary sources identified: the entryinscription which mentions the date of church foundation - 1626 - and its founder - Hrizea great provost - and an inscription mentioning as founders the same Hrizea associated with Dumitrana, (some researchers identified the last character as Hrizea's wife - Dumitrana , while others as Hrizea's son-inlaw Dumitrache). The the first documentary mentions of a church/monastery in Bălteni are presented, mentions attesting that a monastery belonging to a certain nun, Anghelina, used to be in place at the beginning of the 17th c. The article also lists documents and information on the monastery, mainly data on works of repair and, aftervvards, restoration, but the end of the 20th c. We can notice the lack of data in the period 17th-19th c. ln brief, the article reviews the literature on the monument and in the end the authors present their own hypotheses which partly resume the theories of Spiridon Popescu and I. Popescu-Băjenaru, that is Hrizea „maintained the general structure of the monastery Sister Anghelina, dated to the 3/4 16th c, performing vast works of restoration and consolidation on it". The porch „vvas probably made after the death of Hrizea, tovvards the middle of the 17th c" . The chapter "Description of the church" begins type of plan of the monument: triconch, the narthex is thinner than the nave, with a porch on the south, west and north sides of the narthex, no spires, then it presents the interior and the exterior of the church, with a special emphasis on architectural elements which are emblematic for the monument. The chapter „Comparative evaluation" is in faci an attempt to place the monument inside the evolution scale of religious architecture in the Romanian Provinces. The church subject to the present study „ls important for the history of medieval architecture in Romania, as it is one of the very few churches in the Romanian Provinces partially dating back to 1/4 of the 17th c., an age when in the Romanian Kingdom people would build „rarely and poorly", innovations being almost absent (Gr. Ionescu, Istoria), a time when ecclesiastic architecture would still be dominated by influences of previous century. lts importance is also rendered by the fact that, unlike most of the few contemporary churches, it has not been affected by major afterwards changes. As early as the beginning of the last century, when the edifice came to the attention of the researchers, all major works on the history of architecture refer to it as representative for the „Old Walachia School". One of the classic works in the history of architecture - Evolution - , places the church of the former Bălteni priory under the 17th century, the chapter "Old style technique". That classification is based on characteristics of the church plan and decorations.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Buletinul Comisiunii Monumentelor Istorice: BCMI
  • Editura: Institutul Naţional al Monumentelor Istorice
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2006
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XVII; nr. în TOM: 1-2; anul 2006; Serie Nouă
  • Paginaţia: 9-24
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