Raport de monitorizare a bisericilor din lemn din jud. Maramureş, înscrise în Lista Patrimoniului Mondial

  • Subiect: „For the Romanian wooden churches from Maramures department, registered in the World Heritage List the survey account must be published on the strength of HG 493/30 april 2004, B, no.13. This survey account is the resuit of a supervision visit between 3 and 7 July 2006, which the purpose was the evaluation of the protection statement. The national law for the protection of historical monuments registered in the World Heritage List and the head-lines of the periodica I survey of UNESCO organization was used to set down the objectives of the visit and also to draw up the survey account. There are ten chapters which represent as much problems existing in the protection and the enhancement politics of this monuments: 1. The inventory; 2. The correct localization; 3. The justification of registration; 4. The protection zone; 5. The management of the monuments; 6. The financial resources; 7. The visitors; 8. The scientific studies; 9. Education, knowledge; 1 O. State of conservation. ln each chapter is presented the actual state, with successful and unsuccessful results. The main problem is the lack of co-ordination in the protection politics of this monuments, which can be solved by using an Administration Program provided in the national law and also in the UNESCO's rules since 1999, the date when the wooden churches was registered in World Heritage List.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Buletinul Comisiunii Monumentelor Istorice: BCMI
  • Editura: Institutul Naţional al Monumentelor Istorice
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2006
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XVII; nr. în TOM: 1-2; anul 2006; Serie Nouă
  • Paginaţia: 218-229
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