Consideraţii asupra unor posibile atitudini legate de conservarea integrată - Sulina, parte a peisajului cultural

  • Subiect: „Sulina, located in the Danube Delta, in the spot where the Danube flows into the Black Sea, is a place which includes a few historic monuments, relics of a town which had been considered flourishing a century ago. lt is part of a natural site included in the World Heritage List - UNESCO. Thanks to the Danube Delta we can speak, in this case, about a combined heritage site - natural and cultural, of national and international importance; the synergy - natural site and anthropogenic site - raises the value of the establishment and of the site itself. The existence of the town Sulina as part of the cultural environment is an advantage in terms of insurance of conservation and protection of a patrimony which cannot be included under any other protected categories, helping it to develop towards viable functions which might not turn them into dusty museum exhibits or inaccessible reservations. The author deems that the only, viable mean of va lorization - i.e. protection and conservation - is the strict maintenance of the status of reservation, national park, just like many others world wide (the status of national park is the only one which could insure control on the people having access to the reservation and might prevent extensive investment). Knowing the boons held by Sulina due to its patrimony, as part of the reservation of the Danube Delta biosphere that could be valorized in the framework of the national park mentioned above one of the practicai methods to achieve that being its inclusion in the list of cultural routes. Of the two , cultural tourism remains as the most viable alternative. The author thinks that revival and introduction of the valuable part of Sulina in the European circuit are not possible in the absence of a study also dvvelling on the natural/ environmental aspect - cultural and natural site - a „must be" element of development strategies .”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Buletinul Comisiunii Monumentelor Istorice: BCMI
  • Editura: Institutul Naţional al Monumentelor Istorice
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2006
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XVII; nr. în TOM: 1-2; anul 2006; Serie Nouă
  • Paginaţia: 252-260
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