Relaţii culturale de bună vecinătate la frontiera de nord-vest a României cu Cehoslovacia. Turneul cultural al corului Smetana din Ujgorod în România (aprilie-mai 1938)

  • Subiect: Good neighborly cultural relations at the northwest border of Romania with Czechoslovakia. The cultural tour of Smetana choir from Ujgorod in Romania (april-may 1938) The following material presents some cultural aspects of a good neighborly relationship. One can see how two communities, which were located on the Romanian border with the Sub-Carpathian region from the former Czechoslovakia, the present Ukraine, could live together in an exemplary manner. The media of that time as well as other documentary and bibliographical sources captured these friendly relations at both politico-administrative and economical-cultural levels. In late April and early May 1938, the Ujgorod Smetana choir formed by 100 persons (men, women and orchestra) undertook a cultural tour in Transylvania, played in concerts at Sighetul Marmatiei, Satu Mare, Cluj and Lugoj. We underline that special relations in this field were maintained during the forerunner period: the ''Vasile Lucaciu” choir from Satu Mare, led by Adrian Demian and Emil Tişcă, was invited to perform in Ujgorog and Muncacevo (in the present, both cities are in the Ukraine). This study will describe in detail the visit of Smetana Choir in Satu Mare and the involvement of the Romanian authorities in the organisation of this event.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Varia
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: Editura Porolissum a Muzeului Judeţean
  • Loc publicare: Zalău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2020
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XLII; anul 2020; seria istorie-etnografie
  • Paginaţia: 285-291
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