Începuturile cetăţii feudale de la Bologa

  • Subiect: THE BEGINNINGS OF THE FEUDAL STRONGHOLD FROM BOLOGA The building of the stronghold of Bologa in the first decades of the t4th century was due to the struggles for power waged by the Magyar king Carol Robert. It assured the safety of one of the most important roads to enter Transylvania. The building was erected near a Roman camp. The donjon, often changed or destroyed in the following centuries, seems to be the oldest part of the stronghold. Its circular plan Other details of construction (the entrance, the embedded fireplace) give it a distinctive appearance. The builders came probably from Slovakia. The landed property of the stronghold, with its economic possibilities, appeared by the end of the 141h century, that is the time when the kings gave the stronghold up. The succession of the castellans reflects the stages the stronghold institution underwent. The most important of the castellans was Desideriu of Elewanth (Czechoslovakia). The great majority of these castellans were not from Transylvania. As to the internal organization, it was based on the duality between foreign element' represented by the castellan of the stronghold and his men (familiars) and by the native population, in most cases Romanians.
  • Limba de redactare: română; rezumat engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie medie
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: I. P. Cluj
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1980
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: IV; anul 1980; subtitlu: Acta Mvsei Porolissensis
  • Paginaţia: 403-420
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