Consideraţii privind implicarea în realizarea Marii Uniri a studenţilor teologi români din Banat care au studiat la Cernăuţi în perioada 1875–1918

  • Subiect: „The aim of the current material is that of presenting the contribution to the great union of the Romanian theologian students from Banat, who learned in Chernivtsi in the period between 1875–1918. The chronological boundaries of this study range between 1875–1918. These years were chosen because they mark capital events: the foundation of the University of Chernivtsi and the realization of the Great Union. The universitary registry books during this period of time record 32 Romanian students from Banat, who chose to study theology in Chernivtsi. Most of them turned out to be authentic patriotic spirits, serving the community they belonged to as teachers and priests. Our data shows that out of 32, 20 have contributed at local or regional level to the realization of the Great Union. In late 1918, they became an active participants in the unionist struggle. On December 1, 1918, some of them (11) attended the Great National Assembly in Alba Iulia that proclaimed the unification of Transylvania with Romania. In our oppinion, the most important contributions were that of Avram Imbroane and George Popovici, the protopope of Lugoj.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Banatica
  • Editura: Muzeului Banatului Montan
  • Loc publicare: Reşiţa
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2018
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 28; anul 2018
  • Paginaţia: 723-736
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