Plastica antropomorfă rezultată din cercetările de la Ştefăneşti-Stârcea, jud. Botoşani (Campania 1974-1975)

  • Subiect: „During 1974-1975 preventive excavations were made at the site Ştefăneşti -Stârcea/La Bulboană/La Bulboana lui Stârcea, Botoşani County, Romania. The excavation was coordinated by Anton Niţu and Paul Şadurschi. They published some preliminary reports concerning the excavations from Ştefăneşti, but a complete article describing the preventive work on the sites excavated in 1974-1975 was in plan. At Ştefăneşti-Stârcea were excavated three houses and four pits. The ceramic material is very rich and a large number of vessels discovered were restored and displayed in Botoşani History Museum. The distinctive characteristic of the ceramic from Ştefăneşti-Stârcea site is the snake pattern, over-repeating, on many types of vessels. The site was framed in Cucuteni B2 and has good analogies on the ceramic material and anthropomorphous representations with some famous Cucuteni B2 sites from Republic of Moldova, like Costeşti, Petreni and Brânzeni VIII. At Botoşani County Museum there is the preliminary report and manual drawings concerning the excavations performed at the site. In Botoşani County Museum deposits we found several statuettes from this site, of different shapes and sizes, unpublished so far. Our paper is presenting these statuettes, referring to their discovery context and the analogies from the neighboring areas, along with the ceramic vessels associated with them.”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2021
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XVII; anul 2021; seria Istorie veche şi arheologie
  • Paginaţia: 42-54
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