Date privind reutilizarea castrelor romane din Transilvania în Evul Mediu

  • Subiect: Data about the Reusing of the Roman Castra in Transylvania in the Middle Ages The study presents the analysis of the possibility of the reusing of the Roman Castra based by the way of filling up the defense ditches. Analyzing their stratigraphy, it has been noted that in a number of cases, before the complete demolition of the ruins, there was an intervention in the dump that filled the trenches: the old trenches were rearranged, or new ditches, smaller than the original ones, were made. These, corroborated with the medieval archaeological founds and the written sources, lead to the conclusion that some of the Castra were reused in the Middle Ages as fortress or fortified manors.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie-History
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Terrae Fogarasiensis: ActaTF
  • Editura: Negru Vodă
  • Loc publicare: Făgăraş
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2017
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 6; anul 2017
  • Paginaţia: 94-113
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