Sextil Puşcariu şi Primul Război Mondial. Anul 1914

  • Subiect: Sextil Puscariu and the World War I. Year of 1914 Sextil Puscariu was an outstanding personality of the Romanian culture, a linguist, philologist and literary historian as well. The Austrian Hungarian state of war against Serbia indicates the beginning of the First World War, a solution in support of Franz Joseph the emperor even if he had doubts upon its consequences. The influence of the German schools which he had attended to and his status of being an Austrian-Hungarian citizen determined him to accept the command of empowering under the Hungarian pennant. It is significant the fact that during the mobilisation he was together with his family at Techirghiol, but the feeling of his duty forced him to go back to Transylvania, Brasov.The war involves unavoidably changes as regards the mentality level of the fighters who were involved into the conflict. The Transylvanian intellectual feels in a painful way the abatement of the freedom of speech, action and soul alienation that go with any conflict. Sextil Puscariu takes an account of the propaganda effects imposed by the authorities and analyses the policy of maintaining the internal unity of the Austrian-Hungarian administration.His memories are a genuine historical document because they give back to the readers the historical events conducted during the World War I , during the Great Union from 1918 but the later on period too. The daily notes highlight both the events of the war but the spirit feelings, Puscariu`s inner thoughts, confronted with the difficulties and doubts of the conflict.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Istorie-History
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Terrae Fogarasiensis: ActaTF
  • Editura: Negru Vodă
  • Loc publicare: Făgăraş
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2019
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 8; anul 2019
  • Paginaţia: 218-226
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