- Subiect: „In 20 1 3 the Roman 1ibrary underwent a series of reinforcement works; on this occasion we made a section (noted S.IV) at the exterior foundation. At the northem end of this section, approximately -0,80 m deep appeared a circular pit that extended until -1 ,60 m deep. The diameter of this pit was only 0,80 m the rest being superposed by the foundation ofthe already mentioned library. The archaeological remainings from the pit are mostly ceramic fragments either from the category of domestic pottery (such as pots, cups, oii lamps, small cups, bowls, tureens, lids) or luxury pottery (such as green glazed jugs). We can also count a fragment from a grey pot bottom with a potter's mark in the fonn of the letter X. Next to the domestic pottery we also discovered fragments of decorative pottery (stove tiles), a green glazed medieval pipe fragment and a clay baii. Overall, the inventory of the pit included 1 26 fragmentary vessels (only six of them restored): 92 pots, 9 stove ti les, 6 cups, 6 bowls, 4 small cups, 4 lids, 2 jugs, 2 oil lamps and 1 tureen. Based on the pottery characteristics we dated the trash pit in the first half of the XVIlth century. ”
- Limba de redactare: română (rezumat în engleză)
- Secţiunea: Arheologie şi istorie/ Archeologie et Histoire/ Archaeology and History
- Vezi publicația: Zargidava - Revistă de Istorie
- Editura: Docuprint
- Loc publicare: Bacău
- Anul publicaţiei: 2016
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XV; 21 martie; anul 2016
- Paginaţia: 158-175
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 13 / 35 > >|
- Realizatori:  HÂNCEANU, George Dan (autor)
- Descriptori:  cahle, cană, opaiţ, pipă, Secolul al XVII-lea, Ceramică, groapă menajeră, oraş medieval, ulcior, descoperiri arheologice, castron, oraş românesc, marcă de olar, Târgul Romanului