Femeia din mediul urban între 1918-1928 - învăţământ, ştiinţă, literatură

  • Subiect: The victories that urban women obtained during 1918-1928 emphasized their possibility to compete against men, to make them truly appreciate them. At the same time, they were motivating for the young women who were in search of an ideal, putting an emphasis upon their ambition and qualities. Many of them were path-breakers, role models. In May 1920, Marmorosch Blank Bank assigned the position of confidential clerk to a woman for the first time in the history of Romania. Ella Negruzzi was the first woman to be elected in the Committee of Discipline of the Bar. In 1924, Stefania Maracineanu would obtain the PhD in physics, coordinated by the scientist Maria Sklodowska-Curie. A pioneer in the study of artificial radioactivity, she is the number one expert in this domain, given the fact that this phenomenon was discovered only in 1 934 by Frederic and Irene Joliot-Curie. Having to face many problems at difef rent levels-social, professional, that of marriage- women tried to adapt themselves to this new state of affairs. The women who lived in the cities in the first inter-war decade had made some steps forward in certain fields to which they did not have access up to then. Education played a crucial role and helped women to become lawyers, to get Jobs at CFR (n. b. Romanian Railway) or at the Theological Institute. The state passed the law of electing women in the Education Committee and in the Work Committee. A changed in the mentality of the collective, especially that of men, which made women appreciated and respected.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: File de viaţă cotidiană
  • Vezi publicația: Studii şi Articole de Istorie: SAI
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 76; anul 2010
  • Paginaţia: 272-286
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