Testimonies about Bassarabia in diplomatic reports delivercd to the Foreign Affairs Ministry by Gregory Gafencu, chief of the Romanian Legation from Moscow (Aug 17,1940 - June 22, 1941)

  • TITLU în română: Mărturii despre Basarabia în rapoartele diplomatice remise către M.A.S. de Grigore Gafencu, şef al legaţiei române de la Moscova (17 aug. 1940- 22 iunie 1941)
  • Subiect: Journalist, lawyer, politician and a prestigious diplomat, Grigore Gafencu proved his high qualities as a Minister of Foreign ajfairs (December 22, 1938-May 30. 1940) and as Chief of the Diplomatic Legation of the Kingdom of Romania to Kremlin( August 17, 1940-Jrme 22, 1941). The mission assigned to the Romanian diplomat was to move of! USSR from its links with Hungary and Bulgaria directed against Romania; to obtain a reduction of German pressure, in order to resolve the territorial disagreement between Romania. Hungary and Bulgaria (1940), and especially, in particular, to defuse the relations with the Soviet Union, as a resuit of the border incidents abusively created by the Russian border guards. This assigned mission allowed Grigore Gafencu to have a special knowledge and to decade, on a large scale, the Soviet Foreign policy, Grigore Gqfencu being the first Romanian official who during the discussions with the Kremlin said that the Soviet-Romanian war hadn't started on June 22, 1941 but with the Russian aggression carried olll in the two notes of.final demandfrom June 26 and 28, 1940. Erudite, calm. lucid, moderated, skillful and having a notable influence in diplomatic circles, Grigore Gafencu detected the right evolution of the international relations, before and at the beginning of World War II, drawing attention that any agreement with the Kremlin, coming from any side, will determine the post-war expansion of the communism.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Basarabia 1812-2012
  • Vezi publicația: Studii şi Articole de Istorie: SAI
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2012
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 79; anul 2012
  • Paginaţia: 58-70
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