Date privind impactul calitativ al cormoranului mare asupra ihtiofaunei din Delta Dunării

  • Subiect: In our country, studies on the impact of the piscivorous birds and especially the great cormorant on fish communities, fishermen are quite rare, the most thorough being made before 1989, a period when there was a strong emphasis on this aspect. The current issue of the piscivorous birds and of the cormorant in particular has become of a great international importance, hold the discussions at the pan-European level, where there is an attempt to identify solutions to solve this conflict. The extremely favorable reproduction conditions and the optimal feeding possibilities, especially in the warm period of the year, make the Danube Delta an attractive biocenosis for the big cormorant. Therefore, the difference between the quantity and the quality of the food from a season to another and the variable way of its accessibility, the variation of the yearly and seasonal climatic conditions, have as consequence a special aviphenological dynamics. Data resulting from this study can contribute to arguments in favor of the fishermen and fishermans in support of their opinion that the piscivorous birds causes significant damage to the national economy, being necessary stopping population growth of species of piscivorous birds with increased expansion, particularly the cormorant big. Theoretically, cormorants should not have a major impact on the fish communities and naturals habitats, not being found here is that high density of fish populations in the river as arranged, according to practice the basic principles of ecology, in the case predator-prey relationship. The fish-farming management inside the Delta and of its periphery is fulfilling, in several ways, the characteristics of artificial aquatic basins. Under present conditions, the lack of technical and financial means to support these fishponds in the requested limits, some of them are reverting to their original state without human intervention. The composition and abundance of the bird fauna of the fishponds depends of their characters. Finding the right solutions for the proper management and the sustainable development of the fisheries, regarded as natural resources, is a priority at European level. Today, the number of voices that complain for economic reasons is increasing, determined by the alarming growth of the cormorant population especially in the Danube Delta affecting both fish culture and fisheries.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2012
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VII; anul 2012
  • Paginaţia: 226-234
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