Tipologia locuinţelor domneşti din secolele XIV-XVI. Câteva consideraţii cu caracter preliminar

  • Subiect: The Typology of the Lordly Dwellings in the 14th – 16th Centuries. A Few Preliminary Aspects The paper wants to reconsider the typology of the dwellings built by the representatives of the political power in the 14th – 16th centuries. Considering the results of the archaeological researches performed in the last half of the century, the author found three sorts of civil or ecclesiastic dwellings: houses, palaces and donjon towers. Usually, the houses were simple constructions with two storeys. There were two types of houses: storey houses and houses with cellars. Sometimes near the houses a small two storey tower was built. The ground floor of the houses with cellars was similar to the one of the other type of houses. A narrow inclined passage (rom. gârlici) permitted the access to the lower floor (that had semicircular arches). The palaces were bigger and more complex. The rooms are more numerous and they are no longer placed following the longitudinal axis of the building (as in the houses) and they have more entrances. The donjon-towers (there are three such constructions) are rectangular towers; two of them represent the only fortifications of the residential complexes they were part of.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Lucrările sesiunii anuale de comunări ştiinţifice „Reşedinţe domneşti”, Piteşti, 28-29 octombrie 2010
  • Vezi publicația: Argesis - Studii şi Comunicări
  • Editura: Ordessos
  • Loc publicare: Piteşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XIX; anul 2010; seria Istorie
  • Paginaţia: 65-86
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