Fabrica de bere Luther/Griviţa Roşie

  • Subiect: The Luther/ Grivitza Beer Factory Among the first industries which developed in Bucharest were those involved in food production, that is, producing bread and, later, beer. One of the oldest factories was established in 1869, by Erhard Luther. Along his whole life, supported by his wife and then the Czell Brothers, two Saxon origin industrialists coming from Sibiu, E. Luther succeeded in producing one of the mast appreciated types of beer in the city. Factory architecture kept permanently changing and modernizing, so that the Luther/Czell Beer factory - having become, after 1948, the Grivitza Beer Factory - was functional until 2004. Its buildings are true samples of Bucharestan industrial architecture.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Patrimoniu bucureştean
  • Vezi publicația: Bucureşti - Materiale de Istorie şi Muzeografie: Bucureşti-MIM
  • Editura: Muzeul Municipiului Bucureşti
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2007
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXI; anul 2007
  • Paginaţia: 275-305
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