Prospecţiuni arheologice de-a lungul drumului roman din zona oraşului Gherla

  • Subiect: The archaeological prospects on the Roman way in Gherla town area In 1991 were macle some archeological researches on the Roman way between Gherla - Jichiş - Buneşti and there were fond seven archaeological points. The archaeological traces belong to the Neolithic Age (points 1, 2, 5), Bronze Age (points 2, 6), Hallstatt (points 2,6) and Roman Age (points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). At the point number 6 was macle a verification poli. It was opened a case where was found a Roman dwelling with a large quantity of pottery, rough cast, coal and cintlers.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Note şi discuţii
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Napocensis: ActaMN
  • Editura: Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a Transilvaniei
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1994
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: 31-I; anul 1994; seria preistorie-istorie veche-arheologhie
  • Paginaţia: 215-222
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