Studii comparative preliminare privind reacţiile leucocitare ale puietului unor specii de ciprinidae de cultură în condiţii de iernat

  • Subiect: These researches are a part of an extensive study that pursues the global response of the fish to the influence of the specific winter factors, evaluated to different levels of biological structure. These partially results represent a contribution to definition of leukocytes complex reactions in the four cyprinids species as response to stress factors characteristic for wintering in ponds. The blood sampling was carried out from fish without anatomical and clinical signs that could denote the presence of multifarious bacterial or parasitical bioaggressors. The length time of fish stocking in the winter ponds, the temperature variations during the cold season, the period and respectively the temperature range between is done the fish transferring into the growth ponds cause various reactions at the level of the leukocytes complex: The decreasing of the leukocytes number in all four cyprinids species from both two stations below the 75000 white cells/mm3 (excepting in silver carp) - inferior range of the normally status of some aquacultured species; • A significantly higher number of the neutrophils in silver carp as well the common carp and grass carp from station 2 (prolonged time of stocking into the winter pond) with neutrophilia reaction, an increasing of monocytes number too, being noticed in the last two species. • The absolute number of lymphocytes is significantly lower in silver carp from station 1 without a distinguishing of a deviated count from the normal level in aquacultured cyprinids species. • The absolute number of eosinophils from the peripheral blood sampled in fish in the Spring is significantly lower (P<0.05) at common carp and bighead carp from station 2 and silver carp from station 1. Eosinopaenia reaction noticed helping with absolute and relative cells numbers is releaved in all four species excepting silver carp. The basophils number decreases in silver carp from station 1 only, comparing with the Autumn assessment.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2013
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: VIII; anul 2013
  • Paginaţia: 230-241
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