Despre un reprezentant de seamă al patriciatului saşilor câmpulungeni din veacul al XV-lea

  • Subiect: About a Representative Member of the Saxon Atricians from Câmpulungeni in the 15th Century Based on the still existing documents, the author presents the figure of a representative person belonging to the elite of the Saxon community from Câmpulung in the 15th century. He was called Petermann and he was known as a great merchant and donor and founder of the orthodox monastery Cozia, as well as the supporter of the local Catholic Church for which he asked for subsidies from the sovereign pontiff. He used to travel as a messenger to Sibiu and Braşov and Buda and Siena and Rome in order to mediate the diplomatic relationship between the Romanian and King Sigismund de Luxemburg. Because of that the king gave him estates in the Amlaşu county and Ţara Oltului. He was a Christian scholar whose will was a mixture of Slavonic and Byzantine and Latin diplomacy. He was an open minded person of his times.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie medievală
  • Vezi publicația: Argesis - Studii şi Comunicări
  • Editura: Ordessos
  • Loc publicare: Piteşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2009
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XVIII; anul 2009; seria Istorie
  • Paginaţia: 127-132
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