Contributions to the knowledge of the Late Bronze Age in north-western Transylvania. Researches from Culciu Mare

  • TITLU în română: Contribuţii la cunoaşterea epocii bronzului târziu în nord-vestul Transilvaniei. Cercetările de la Culciu Mare
  • Subiect: In the spring of 1966, after digging drainage ditches on the road leading to the communal pasture from the southern side of the Culciu Mare village (Satu Mare county), in a place called Zöldmező (Câmpul Verde) were found many pottery fragments from different periods. Since that year, from September 4 to 8, under the direction of I. Glodariu a survey was performed in the mentioned place that was followed the next year by more extensive excavations, which led to partial unveiling of two settlements, one from the 3rd or 4th centuries and another from the 7th century AD. Late Bronze Age materials also appeared with these excavations and they are subject of this study.
  • Limba de redactare: engleză
  • Vezi publicația: Satu Mare - Studii şi Comunicări
  • Editura: Editura Muzeului Sătmărean
  • Loc publicare: Satu Mare
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2012
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXVIII; nr. în TOM: I; anul 2012; subtitlu: The Gava Culture in the Tisa Plain and Transylvania. Symposium Satu Mare 17-18 June; seria Arheologie
  • Paginaţia: 159-168
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