Harta arheologică a satului Gligoreşti (comuna Luna, judeţul Cluj)

  • Subiect: The archaeological map of the Gligoreşti Village (commune Luna, Cluj county) This work tries to offer an archaeological monographic outline of the Gligoreşti village. The place, known after the f01tuitous discoveries still from the past century, become again a point of interest to the specialists for a few years ago when, a group of researchers from "1 December 1918"University of Alba Iulia and from Archeological Institute and Art History of Cluj-Napoca started to dig în the place called "Holoame". A part of the student’s activity was dedicated to the surface researches, materialized in this article. 1.Neolitic age. Besides of the materials of Suplacu de Bacău type which we met in this place "Holoame", other Neolithic discoveries haven’t done in the village bound. 2.Coţofeni culture. From the place "După Moară" proceed a few pottery fragments of Coţofeni type (III?). They are added to the pottery fragments found in the culture layer or in the complexes from "Holoame", dated in the final Coţofenill -Ill. 3. Bronze Age. To the end of the Early Bronze or to the Beginning of the Middle Bronze belongs a pottery fragment decorated with deep scratching, from the place După Moară". It might be a fragment dating in the period of the Early Bronze, from "Holoame". To the Wietenberg culture belong a few materials found in the places "În Berc" and "După Moară". They could be dated in Wietenberg III, possible Wietenberg IV, for the Iast of them. A few discoveries from the place called "După Moară" it is worked in Nouaîs structure. 4. Hallstat Age. From our surface researches do not provide any discoveries from this period, but from "Holoame" there are known materials datin from Hallstat B-C (Gava culture and Basarabi culture). 5. Latene Age. To this age it could be ascribed some pottery fragments dating from the late phase (1st century B.C.-1 A.O.). 6. Roman Age. A very big living is noticed in the bound of Gligoreşti village, starting with the Roman age. A lot of vestiges found in the places called "După Moară", "În Sat", "În Berc" are suggesting for a substantial living of the village in the roman period. The pottery is characteristic for the provincial roman period, excepting a pottery fragment decorated inside with chocolate glaze, which seems to be importation (pl.Vlll/3). In the place "După Sat" there were found, long ago, bricks with the stamp of the 5th Macedonian legion (LVM), they limit, probable, the rests of a checking post for the roman way, situated in the northern bound of the village, called Drumul lui Traian (Traianîs Way). 7. Postroman age. After the Aurelian’s retired, the only vestiges known provide from the place "După Moară". They are little pottery fragments made on the wheel. Their color is grey and can be dated in the III-IV century A.O. 8. Prefeudal age. It is well represented in the boundary of the Gligoreşti village because of the discoveries from the next places: "În Berc", "După moară" and "După Sat". In the place "După Moară" it was found a ceramic fragment of Praga type, dating in the VII-th century A.O. The most important materials proceeded from the place called "În Berc". In this place have been made systematical researches for a few archeological complexes. Thus, it has been investigated a hole with two phases, containing ceramics and a dwelling with two phases of evolution. Very interested is the dwelling which, in the second phase we find a stone mason, it had a reach inventory containing pottery, little spindle, bone tool, a little object made by iron and probably a mould for metals, made by roman brick used before. In the second phase, after an arrangement in the same place, it is built a surface dwelling having the floor made by big river stones. The ceramic inventory containing a few fragments, between of this, one of them is decorated with channeling and a stone cute. The complexes could be dated in the VIII-th century; the ceramic is like the one met in the cemetery of Mediaş type from Transilvania. Also, another complex was observed in the Arieşîs shore and consisted of a deepened dwelling with stone mason. From the IX-X-th century we have ceramic materials from the place "După Sat"- first objective and in the place "După Moară" it was found, in the terrace shore, a dwelling of dougs type. With ceramics specific for the X-th century, which we didn’t investigated. The Early Middle Age The living of the village is carry on even in the early middle age, in lhe places "După Sat", "După Moară"şi "În Berc". The ceramic discovered belongs to the so called group "Ciugud type" or "arpadianî. Even if all the discoveries proceed from surface researches, we can distinguish the fragment of a dish and the fragment of a bowl, of southern influence, as well as a throat of a cylinder, channeled pot specifically for the Hungarian pottery, all of them dating in the XI-XII A.O. century. Besides of the jar, often met, we remember here the presence of the clay bucket. The Late Middle Age It is not well represented, having just a few discoveries, dating in the XIV-XVI-th century, the dwelling being moved, probably, already in the present fireplace; in 1332 it is mentioned in the documents the priest Petru de "Aranos de Sancto Martino", shepherd of a Hungarian Catholic community. In the XVI-th century the village become prevalent Romanian and in 1760, thanks to the transport of salt on the Arieş the name of the place is changed in Sânmartinul Sărat (Soos Szent Marton).
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Preistorie
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă Zalău
  • Loc publicare: Zalău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2000
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXIII-1; nr. în TOM: I; anul 2000; subtitlu: Anuarul Muzeului Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă Zalău
  • Paginaţia: 55-120
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