Tezaure descoperite, tezaure pierdute, tezaure regăsite

  • Subiect: The “adventurous” life of some monetary deposits commences at the very moment they are constituted. The underlying criteria for this widely spread human action are and were various, but since we’ve dwelled on them on various occasions, it is not yet the time, in my opinion, to return to this issue. Nonetheless, even after they were constituted in a more or less definite form, the treasure witnessed countless tribulations. These were contingent upon human nature, as well as on the historical vicissitudes that often befell on them to the point of overwhelming. Consequently, their concealing, whether charily or precipitously, remained under the same sign of chance and hazard. And so on until, finally, came the great day when the “treasures-troves”—as they have always been called—witnessed a second “birth”, this time into our, current, world. When, where, how and in what conditions were they discovered constitute other random elements of their long existence. Many conclusions forces themselves upon us: a treasure of which we have knowledge, once discovered, must be immediately studied and published, even if we don’t possess all the necessary data on it; a treasure of which we have knowledge, once discovered, must be immediately studied and published, even if we don’t possess all the necessary data on it; the investigation of a treasure can be brought to a conclusion only in certain exceptional cases (e.g. archaeological excavations); any publishing of coins (from treasures and isolated finds) must contain as much as possible of the data (technical, descriptive, catalogue identification, storage, inventory and so on) that would make them easily recognizable.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2014
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: IX-X; anul 2014
  • Paginaţia: 87-91
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