Situl arheologic Negrileşti, judeţul Galaţi

  • Subiect: Old medieval village, whose toponym was used on March 13th 1528 when it is remembered as “the village on Barlad, where Buda and Dragoiu where rulers, both parts, which are now called Negrilesti”. In the 17th century it is remembered “The Church of Frangolea”, built before 1752, and in 1854 the boyar Iancu Giurgea builds the present church, with the titular saint “Sf. Nicolae”, within the general school, right in the archeological site. The site was signaled in 1981 by an inhabitant of Negrilesti village, who came to the museum with several vases belonging to the culture Santana de Mures – Cerneahov, discovered in the abrupt profile of Barlad river. As a result of a preventive digging there was identified the existence of an over for ceramic production, which was destroyed, belonging to the 4th century after Christ, as well as numerous ceramic fragments belonging to the Starcevo-Cris, Noua, Dridu Cultures, as well as the 19th century. In 2007 saving researches were performed due to the destruction of the archeological site by the erosion of the bank of Barlad river, as well as the agricultural works from “Zaharia” point. The place chosen for the marking of the three research units was determined by the existence of large vases and certain ceramic fragments, in the very eroded bank of Barlad river. As a result of researches in the perimeter of the site, it was ascertained that on a distance of approximately 100 m, from the north to the south of Zaharia point, in the rupture of the bank one can observe traces of living and refuse holes with archeological material from different historic periods. The campaign of 2008 had as purpose saving the discovered archeological evidences, as a result of an unauthorized intervention for performing an investment project regarding the water supply in the commune, in the point “Schoolyard”. This point is 100 m west of the gymnasium school building, 50 m south of the church and approximately 200 m of the left bank of Barlad river. All these findings, registered during the researches of 1981, 2007 and 2008 determine us to consider this area as having an archeological and historical potential of national importance and to propose a systematic research of the site here.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Demiurg
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: V; anul 2010
  • Paginaţia: 182-190
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