Anul european al dialogului intercultural

  • Subiect: The year 2008 is, by the decision of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, with the motto chosen by the European Commission Together in Diversity. Through the year the programs promote the knowing and understanding of cultural, social, religious, differences and perceive the intercultural dialogue as a free and equal opportunity towards the expression of self-identity. Starting from the premise „the great cultural diversity of Europe represents a unique advantage”, the European citizens are invited to explore the benefits of the rich cultural heritage and the opportunity to learn from different cultural traditions. The County Museum of Satu Mare gains benefit from its geographical position between the Western and Eastern Europe, as an institution that asserted itself by promoting the values of multiculturality and identity, co-operating usefully with European partners, in the spirit of a dialogue based on mutual knowledge and respect towards the diversity of identities, perceiving the alterity as a positive aspect that generates the complexity and the charm of intercultural creativity.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Muzeografie
  • Vezi publicația: Satu Mare - Studii şi Comunicări
  • Editura: Editura Muzeului Sătmărean
  • Loc publicare: Satu Mare
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2008
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXV; nr. în TOM: II; anul 2008; seria Istorie-Etnografie-Artă
  • Paginaţia: 419-430
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