Arheologia Văii Râului Doamnei. Vestigii din preistorie până în epoca romană

  • Subiect: The archaeology of Doamnei River Valley. vestiges from Prehistory of the Roman period A general view on the discoveries roade in the Doamnei River Valley, from the point of views of the epoch they belong to, is presented in the order to illustrate succinctly the general image of the habitation of this zone in a period of more than 3 millennia. The oldest discovery in the Doamnei River Valley is the Neolithic little vessel found by chance at Purcăreni . There are more discoveries from the Eneolithic period: besides the axes found at Miceşti and Purcăreni, the most important discovery for this epoch is the settlement belonging to the cultural group Brăteşti with big Sălcuţa influences, sounded at Retevoieşti, in the „Poiana Târgului" point. The axes discovered at Pietroşani, Piscani and Retevoieşti certify the existence of the Bronze Age in the Doamnei River Valley. Settlements of this age were archaeological researched at Domneşti - „Treime" (Glina Culture) and Retevoieşti - „Poiana Târgului" (Coţofeni Culture). The Iron Age, both the first and the second period, are not present at all în the searched area, if we don't take into account the discoveries from Budeasa Mică. We consider this situation to be a deficiency of the research than the real situation in the researching zone. The Roman period is illustrated not only by the most important site, namely the Roman camp from Purcăreni, but also by other discoveries, made by chance (at Roman coin at Jupâneşti, a spike of spear at Valea Nandrii) or as a consequence of some archaeological researches (Domneşti-„Silişte" , Retevoieşti-„Selişte").
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Arheologie, istorie antică şi medie
  • Vezi publicația: Argesis - Studii şi Comunicări
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean Argeş
  • Loc publicare: Piteşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2004
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XIII; anul 2004; seria Istorie
  • Paginaţia: 107-122
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