Spaţiul muzeal şi creaţia tinerilor plasticieni - Cîteva metode de abordare

  • Subiect: „During the nearly four decades of existence the Museum of Visual Arts from Galati has had numerous programmes of museum pedagogy for the artistic training of young people, and programmes of promoting the works ofyoung artisls. Regarding lhe first category we can mention activities such as: the participation of the Museum of Visual Arts al lhe lntemational Symposium "L'Europe des Fleuves - Paris, 1992 (wilh a ballet show on the expressive rhylhms of Ravel's Bolero", as lhe resul! of the cooperation wilh the Arts Highschool from Galati) and a series of shows presenting clothing design inspired from history of costumes. One of the mosi singnificant shows was named " Egyptian couture" (modem clolhes inspired by the costume of the Ancient Egypt ), created in 2001 by two students from Plastic Arts; lhe museographical (curatorial) coordination emphasized the idea that a costume must be looked upon as a work of art in space. The work of the young plasticians was promoted by shows situated in the post-modemistic area ("Temps elastique" 2001 ; the exhibition "Remains· of the student Dima Fabiana, 2003) and by the cooperation with the University of Arts and Design from Cluj- Napoca, having in view the emphasis on the latest trends ofthe painting, sculpture and tapestry learning in Cluj-Napoca ( the exhibition "Production" 2002) Laura Dumitrescu's exhibition "Labyrinth", 2005, explored the graphicalness of materials in an original way, covering various techniques: tapestry, objects included in lhe "hand made paper" technique and installations. The young artist had an excellent cooperation with the coordinating museograph (curator), as objects needed to be arranged adequately in lhe exhibiting space in order to render correctiy the artistic message of the exhibition. Consequently, the museum needs the dynamism and the creative enthusiasm of young artists. Nevertess, when promoting these programmes, the museum must stick to ils professional authority, selecting the authentic values, without neglecting lhe above criteria”
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Tutovensis: ActaMT
  • Editura: Sfera
  • Loc publicare: Bârlad
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2006
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: I; anul 2006
  • Paginaţia: 157-160
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