Secesiune şi globalizare

  • Subiect: lnto a study, remarkable from the point of view of its theoretical value and its prevision, elaborated in September 1949, Anton Golopeţia uttered: „After the development of the means of communication has brought together continents and countries and made the planet to become a unique world, these kind of secessions involve the other countries from all the continents." (Sugestii pentru un program de guvernare, Enciclopedică Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001) The time will prove he was right. The Romanian intellectual remained a visionary even under the sign of his own tragic destiny (maybe, especially because of it), on one hand, quickening the end of the secession for the world he belonged, and emphasizing the anticipated tendency of resuming the globalization (as a consequence of a new technological step, impossible to be anticipated), and on the other hand, making to appear against this tendency all kinds of obstacles, whose causes only Galopeţia could have then predicted. Actually, globalization or mondialization doesn't represent, from certain points of view, a novelty. Actually, we are talking about a very old process that evolved and changed in time, concerning both the space where it was possible to take place in successive periods of time (according to a certain level of knowledge, beliefs or specific conceptions) and the content that was influenced by such elements. The tact that things were like that, is proved nowadays, when once with the end of the „sucession" and the resuming of the tendency to a „unique world" (Galopeţia talked about in 1949), we notice that, as we are concerned, globalization is developed in two tendencies: a general one, present anywhere in the world (excepting the societies under the sign of secession), and a local one (national or regional), representing actually the resuming of some specific details of the anterior phases of this process, dating from the time when the collective outlook, and the contours of the wold were reduced to those representing only a certain part of it. Proof for the viability of remarks like these can be brought from different domains, among which that of the culture and of folk civilization, domains that we consider the most significant ones.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Vezi publicația: Cibinium
  • Loc publicare: Sibiu
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2001-2005
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: anul 2001-2005; seria 2001-2005
  • Paginaţia: 49-52
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