- Subiect: In the study is presented the political and cultural activity of Jakabffy Elemer, an important personality of the Hungarian minority from Romania in the period between the Second World War. The most important source of information was the memoires of Jakabffy Elemer, which are in the possession of hise family. The political carrier of Jakabffy Elemer started in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy as a member of the Parliament in Tisza 's Party. He was concerned in the minority problems, as wel1 in social sphere and in the extension of political rights. His liberal ideas determined the adoption of a permissive position in front of political, social and national minorities. After 1918, Jakabffy Elemer had continued his political program as a defender of minoritar rights. He is a member of the Parliament, vice president of Hungarian Party from Romania and editor-in-chief of two cultural-political reviews. His main goal was to bring together the two nations, the Romanians and Hungarian, with the creation of an acceptable compromise for both.
- Limba de redactare: română
- Secţiunea: Istorie
- Vezi publicația: Satu Mare - Studii şi Comunicări
- Editura: Editura Muzeului Sătmărean
- Loc publicare: Satu Mare
- Anul publicaţiei: 1998-1999
- Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XV-XVI; anul 1998-1999; seria Arheologie - Istorie - Cultură şi Civilizaţie -Artă şi Etnografie - Muzelogie - Restaurare şi Conservare
- Paginaţia: 411-430
- Navigare în nr. revistă: |< < 21 / 54 > >|
- Realizatori:  SZOCS PETER, Levente (autor)
- Descriptori:  Jakabffy Elemer, Transilvania, Partidului Naţional Maghiar, Magyar Kissebseg (Publicaţie)