Aspecte privind activitatea bisericii române unite din Transilvania. Districtele protopopiale Silvania şi Jibou în deceniul patru al secolului al XX-lea

  • Subiect: ASPECTS REGARDING THE CHURCH UNITE WITH ROME ON THE 4TH DECADE OF 20rn CENTURY Subsequent to the First World War, the Romanian society experiences a great politica!, socio-economica), cultural and religious diversity, as a result of important reforms, which ensured imposing a constitutional parliamentary regime where the population lived, and had democratic rights. This paper consists of aspects related to the religious life in the Greco - Catholic Districts of Archbishops from Silvania and Jibou in Sălaj County, which, under confessional aspect belonged to the Uniate Diocese of Maramures on the 4th decade of the 20th century. Besides the organizational aspects which aimed the ecclesiastical activity of the Greco - Catholics in the area, we analysed, based on documents, the other religious communities' problems. Among these a prominent role had the Magyars (Protestants or Roman - Catholic ), Gennans (Lutherans or Evangelical), the Jews (Judaic - Mosaic) and the rroma population, which usually embraced the religion of the community. In the region of Silvania, in the interwar period, severa! congregations of Baptists are consolidated.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie contemporană
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă Zalău
  • Loc publicare: Zalău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2005
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXVII; anul 2005; subtitlu: Anuarul Muzeului Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă Zalău; seria istorie-etnografie-artă
  • Paginaţia: 349-368
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