Tezaurul dacic de la Cehei (jud. Sălaj)

  • Subiect: The Dacian Hoard of Cehei The paper deals with a Decian hoard, found in April 1986 in the Cehei village (Sălaj County) on the western slope of the Măgura Şimleului Hill. The hoard consists of silver jewelry (a brooch, three bracelets and a chain) and 552 Dyrrhachium drachms (545 genuine ones and 7 contemporaneous forgeries). The brooch is a typical Decian item with ornamental knots (Knottenfibel). The bracelets belong to the so called type with parallel ends. The ends of no. 2-3 are simple, ornate with „fir needles": those of no 4 are snake head shaped. The chain is made in the techniques called loop in loop (link in link). Analogies in the Decian finds are given for the jewelry; they are dated in the late 2na century B.C. It is generally agreed that the silver for the Decian jewelry was obtained by melting down the Greek coins (Macedonia I, Dyrrhachium, Apollonia, Thasos) and after ± 80 B.C. from Roman republican denarii. The Greek coins are streaming in Dacia after the middle of the 2nd century B.C. In fact, there is a connection between this inflow of coins in Dacia and the development oi ·the Decian jewelry. The amount of silver used for the jewels in the hoţ1rd of Cehei (allowing a 100% loss when the silver was melted down) was something like 120 Dyrrhachian drachms, equivalent to a medium sized coin hoard. Dacia is no exception in using coins as a raw material for jewels (see f.n. 31). The full list of the genuine coins is given a copy of each series was weighed; for the other they give the medium weight of' the group. The forgeries were issued in the Illyrian territory. The hoard shows analogies with those of Voivodeni, Viişoara and Basarabi (see f.n. 34-36) and differs from the Dieci hoards (see f.n. 37), which are earlier. The hoard of Cehei belongs to the numerous hoards found in the Sălaj County, both coin hoards and jewelry hoards (see f.n. 50-57). They must be put in connection with the so called „road of the salt", an important commercial road, used for exporting large amounts of Decian salt. It. crossed the Sălaj County (see map), making west and south-west. The increase in the number of hoards and the wide spread use of jewelry shows both a great prosperity in Dacia and the deep changes in progress in the pattern of the Decian society. The hoard was found in the area of a large Decian site with several hoards and numerous stray finds (see f.n. 63-69); the jewelry may have been produced in a workshop on the spot. The hoard was buried between ± 100-90 B.C. on account of the frequent wars in Dacia during the late 2nd century and early 1st century B.C. The evidence offered by the hoards is supported by a statement of Strabo (VII, 3. 11) who speaks about the „continuous wars" in Dacia during that period. Map = the Sălaj County; the road of the salt; location of coin hoards, jewelry hoards, mixed hoards and Decian fortresses
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie veche şi arheologie
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: Muzeul de Istorie şi Artă din Zalău
  • Loc publicare: Zalău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 1986
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: X; anul 1986; subtitlu: Anuarul Muzeului de Istorie şi Artă din Zalău
  • Paginaţia: 95-
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