Monumentul memorial din Seini pentru preotul-martir Izidor Silaghi (1878-1919)

  • Subiect: The memorial of martyr priest Izidor Silaghi (1878 – 1919) in Seini. Izidor Silaghi was born in Giungi village, Satu Mare county. After he graduated the highschools of Carei and Beiuş and studied theology in Oradea and Budapest, he was first appointed priest in Nadeş and Nojorid, Bihor county and later in Bicău, Satu Mare county. It was from Bicău that he was taken on February 18th 1918 by Bela Kun’s bolshevik Hungarians and assassinated the next day. The priest was assassinated because he was a Romanian intellectual belonging to a nation which had freed itself from Hungarian ruling on December 1st 1918. The documents of the time- November 1918-April 1919- speak about the atrocity, savageness and terror to which the Romanians who remained North and West of the line: Trebuşa and Câmpulung la Tisa, Capul Fetei Peak, Băseşti, Recea and Măgura Pri ei, Secătura, Caprei, Glăvoiu, Bihor, Găina Peaks, than: Zam, Pojoga, Fintoag, Runcu, Bucova were subjected to. The advancement of the Romanian Army put an end to the killings of Romanian civilians by these people unable to adapt to the norms of European civilization.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Istorie contemporană
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: Muzeul Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă din Zalău
  • Loc publicare: Zalău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2000
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXIII-2; anul 2000; subtitlu: Anuarul Muzeului Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă din Zalău
  • Paginaţia: 237-242
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