Muzicianul Constantin C. Nottara - un om al Cetăţii. Aniversarea a 125 de ani de la naşterea sa (1890 - 2015)

  • Subiect: Musician C. C. Nottara, was the son of the great actor Constantin I. Nottara. His ancestor, Hrisant Nottaras, patriarch of Jerusalem during the 18th century, was of Greek/Byzantine origin, and was the first to have determined the geographical coordinates of the town of Bucharest, on the map of Europe. Constantin C. Nottara was a composer, orchestra director, violinist, and a teacher at the Music Conservatoire of Bucharest. His musical compositions comprise alI the scale of cultivated music: concertos, symphonies, opera, ballet music, lieds, vocal-symphonically music. Just like his contemporaries, G. Enescu, M. Jora, C-tin Brăiloiu, G. Ştefanescu, Constantin C. Nottara drew his inspiration from the folklore. His music was defined by its melodic flow and its remarkably clear technique.
  • Limba de redactare: română
  • Secţiunea: Patrimoniu, Restaurare
  • Vezi publicația: Bucureşti - Materiale de Istorie şi Muzeografie: Bucureşti-MIM
  • Editura: Muzeul Municipiului Bucureşti
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2015
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXIX; anul 2015
  • Paginaţia: 178-180
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