Aşezarea dacică de la Hunedoara, în contextul extragerii metalurgiei - prelucrării fierului din munţii Poiana Ruscă - Abordări metodologice

  • Subiect: The Dacian Settlement from Hunedoara in the context of extraction of iron metallurgy in the Poiana Ruscă Mountains-Methodological Approaches This article puts in discussion a few methodological aspects regarding the metallurgy and the processing of ferrous metals in the Dacian Era, in Hunedoara area, from the point of view of the objects found in archaeological context. The geological context of the iron ore from Poiana Rusca Mountains has been primarily considered, pointing out two major sources of extraction located near Hunedoara (Teliuc, Ghelari). Then, a database has been created using both the chemical and metallographic methods. Different categories of materials have been analysed (iron ores, argillaceous, grogs, iron dross, lumps and finished products). In the context of the discovery of ferrous artefacts dated in the Dacian Era, the most recent metallographic analyses made on a set of objects belonging to a feature (House 1/2009) from Hunedoara-Sânpetru Hill (The Water station), have been also taken into consideration. These artefacts have been made by the reduction of the iron ore (% Fe >98%) having a% C 1,1–1,6 on the surface, while the percentage of residual elements is rather low. Considering this, the analysis of the rare elements (residual ones) remains the most effective solution in order to identify the iron ore deposit. The outstanding conclusion of this methodological step, based on undoubtedly scientific arguments, is that the ferrous outcrops from Ghelari and partially Teliuc, have been mined in the Dacian Era.
  • Limba de redactare: română (şi un rezumat în engleză)
  • Secţiunea: Epoca metalelor
  • Vezi publicația: Acta Musei Porolissensis: ActaMP
  • Editura: Editura Porolissum a Muzeului Judeţean
  • Loc publicare: Zalău
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2016
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXXVIII; anul 2016; subtitlu: Anuarul Muzeului Judeţean de Istorie şi Artă Zalău; seria arheologie - restaurare - conservare
  • Paginaţia: 243-256
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