De la Independenţă la Reîntregire. Decoraţiile conferite în temeiul Decretului Regal nr. 3.870 din 27 octombrie 1939 / From the Independence to the Unification. The decorations awarded according to the Royal Decree no. 3.870 of 27th of October 1939

  • Subiect: The reign of king Carol II, a monarch passionate for pump and honors, was one of the most interesting periods of the Romanian phaleristics. Many orders and medals were instituted, while other were reorganized, being introduced several regulations regarding the wearing of the insignias. As a part of these transformations, the Royal Decree no. 3.870/1939 settled that the career officers, direct descendants of officers who received the “Trecerea Dunării” Cross (for the War of 1877-78), or the “1916-1918 War Commemorative Cross”, were allowed to display the same war decorations, completed with a bar inscribed with the word “Tradiţie” (= “Tradition”). Between 1940 and 1945, no less than 23 Royal Decrees were issued: 132 officers received the “Trecerea Dunării” Cross, 82 received the “1916-1918 War Commemorative Cross”, while 3 received both the decorations at once. While being a “great voivode of Alba Iulia”, the future king Mihai I received these decorations, as a descendant of kings Carol I and Ferdinand I. Besides mirroring the Romanian phaleristics of the interwar period, the study deals with the genealogical research, because the Royal Decrees includes information on the filiation itself, from the initial titular of “Trecerea Dunării” Cross/the “1916-1918 War Commemorative Cross”, to the officer who has recognized in right to assume their use.
  • Limba de redactare: română (rezumat în engleză)
  • Secţiunea: Medalistică şi faleristică (Medalistics and Phaleristics)
  • Vezi publicația: Cercetări Numismatice: CN
  • Editura: Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României
  • Loc publicare: Bucureşti
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2017-2018
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXIII-XXIV; anul 2017-2018; subtitlu: Volum dedicat memoriei Katiuşei Pârvan (1952-2018)
  • Paginaţia: 91-122
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