Forme alternative de asociere. Structuri elitare gregare în viaţa politică a românilor din Ungaria (1869-1896). O perspectivă teoretică

  • Subiect: The paper deals with the use of pluralism in the study of the Romanian political elite in Hungary between 1869 and 1896. Because further research is needed in order to properly evaluate the virtual Romanian political interest groups from the 19th century, until well-founded conclusions will be brought into existence, a substitute term had to be used: gregarious elite structures. The study points to six possible interest groups that need further research along with other influential political actors, and then offers a brief preview of the interest groups theories. The main section of the paper proposes a key for approaching this very generous political and nationalist topic in a pluralist way. First comes the point that no western theory can be used without previous reconsiderations and that virtual interest groups spring out from inside the so-called Romanian political elite. This imposes a derogation from the laws of the power theories: instead of seeing elite theories and pluralism as alternative means of explanation, one should try to mingle with them in order to create an adequate pattern for the study of this particularly special elite. Second: the birth, the composing elements and the objectives of an interest group are evaluated separately in order to create a sketch and to offer a comparison term. By using and adapting this sketch future research will be able to evaluate which Romanian elite structures in Hungary could be taken into account as interest groups. In the end, rather then proposing conclusions, the study underlines the necessity of alternative approach in the field of the Romanian 19th century political elite and the future possibilities opened by the adapted use of pluralist theories.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Sesiunea de comunicări „Asociaţionismul transilvan în secolele XIX-XX”
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Accent
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2009
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXIII; anul 2009
  • Paginaţia: 189-196
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