Ceramica Latene din situl Ilişua - caracteristici geoarheologice şi arheometrice

  • Subiect: The paper is a study on archaeological ceramics from the Dacian site of Ilişua (Bistriţa-Năsăud District), assigned to the Geto-Dacian Latene culture (2nd century B.C.). Ten ceramic samples have been investigated by mineralogical-petrographic techniques that are used for geoarchaeological and archaeometric studies. The semifine ceramics shows a general hornfels-like lutitic-siltic-arenitic fabric, while the coarse ceramics shows gradual transition towards hornfels-like greywacke fabric. The matrix resulted from the transformation of sintered and poorly vitrified siltic polymictic clay (containing illite, kaolinite, smectite, and possibly mixed layers ± calcite). The matrix structure varies from microcrystalline to amorphous-microcrystalline. The matrix embeds arenitic-ruditic flux material (6-17 %); based on this fact, the studied ceramics were assigned to two fineness classes (semifine and coarse). Generally, the texture is unoriented, as resulted from manual processing. The ruditic-arenitic-siltic flux consists of lithoclasts and crystalloclasts originating from magma tic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks (in most cases as river sand but also as ferruginous-pedogenetic concretions), ceramoclasts and subordinately bioclasts. The thermal treatment was performed in the interval of 800-920°C. Based on the mineralogical composition, we can assume that the potter's workshop was located in the proximity of the site, while the raw clay material originated from Badenian clays cropping out close to the tuff level. The ceramic products were obtained by mixing poorly-calcareous clay with flux material, the latter consisting of lithoclasts and ceramoclasts (added deliberately), together with less frequent bioclasts and phytoclasts (added by chance). The ceramics were manufactured manually; vessels being covered with adobe, a thin glaze layer and paint. Firing was done in a single step, in the above-mentioned temperature interval.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Accent
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2010
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXIV; anul 2010
  • Paginaţia: 457-470
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