Surse literare privind existenţa armurii de tip linothorax

  • Subiect: In antiquity, the Greeks, referring to any type of armor, whatever their composition, used the word thorax (Θώραξ), which ad litteram meant “chest”. This word, referring to different types of body protections, especially metal, is usually interpreted as “armour”, “hauberk” or “breastplate”. As a result, the word linothorax (λινοΘώραξ) could be translated as “linen cloth armour”. Unlike other types of armour (such as metal), no linothorax armour has survived to this day. But its existence is proven by many literary and visual sources. In this article, the author wanted to synthesize all the written sources that give us evidence of the existence of linothorax armour during the ancient period. The earliest term linothorax appears in Homer’s Iliad, then this information is used by other ancient authors (Pliny the Elder, Strabo) or in poems (Alcaues, Sophocles, Plato), oracles (Delphi oracle), lexicons, word lists or grammatical works. In total, the word linothorax was identified as being used 41 times by 14 authors and 13 anonymous. However, the number of ancient literary sources attesting this type of armour is much higher, sometimes has been described by ancient authors with the words “... a thorax made from linen ...”. It is the case of such armours and pieces of military equipment from temples and sanctuaries (for example, in the temple of Olympia, Delos or in the temple of Apollo in Gryneion such types of armour have been deposited as offerings for the gods). Gathered in total, there are 65 distinct references made by over 40 ancient authors who explicitly attest to the existence of a type of armour made of linen cloth. According to ancient literary sources, the linothorax armour was spread throughout the Mediterranean basin from its eastern area to the Iberian Peninsula to various populations such as the Egyptians, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Persians, Greeks, Macedonians, Etruscans, Lucans, Romans, Nubians and Lusitans.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Accent
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2016-2017
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXX-XXXI; anul 2016-2017
  • Paginaţia: 34-42
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