Câte ceva despre toponimia şi castro-toponimia arpadiană din bazinul transilvănean în secolele XI-XIII. Puncte de vedere privind Uioara de Sus (Judeţul Alba) şi nu numai

  • Subiect: The aim of this study was to discuss the idea launched in 2004 by Gyula Kristó: the possibility of a huge county, Doboka, in the XIth and XIIth century from which others counties emerged in Transylvanian basin during the Arpadian Age. My study was centered on the possible placement of the Ujvár wood-fortress at Uioara de Sus, Alba county and not to Ocna Mureş where the archaeological excavations proved the lack of any fortification. Also it was an exercise of lexical interpretation for a number of toponyms, contemporary to the Early Medieval period, which, in our opinion, could demonstrate our assertions linked to Ujvár fortress. The huge number of Hungarian, Turkic, German and Slavic origin toponyms are a strong proof for the existence in the area of some nomadic, clans or parts of tribes (Petchenegues?, Cumans? others?) lead by chieftains (certainly a Suqman, maybe a Berke?, a Gzak?, an anonymous kende?) settled by the kings of Hungary on the personal domains of the queens during the 12th century with the specific purpose of guarding the salt resources of the region through an várispánságok, namely Ujvár (Uioara de Sus) county separated from the huge Doboka county during that century, sometime before 1177. The fortress county was disbanded and split by the emergent nobility of the 13th century. This study tried to underline the importance of the castle toponymy of the period in the clarifying process of the Transylvanian counties formation and of the military colonisation of an advanced frontier zone full of resources (Mureş/Maros River), especially salt of very good quality, but very exposed to different kind of perils.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Accent
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2018
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XXXII; anul 2018
  • Paginaţia: 93-110
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