Descoperiri medievale timpurii în Cluj-Napoca, str. V. Deleu

  • Subiect: The new discoveries concerning the 11th.-12th C. are most important for the medieval settlement of Cluj because they bring some information about the characteristics of the people which lived during 11th.-13th C. in this settlement. In 1992-1994 archaeological excavations were made in Cluj oldest part, excavations that revealed some Roman artefacts and buildings but medieval artefacts and small traces from a house, also. We have two types of discoveries: pottery and coins. The first type is represented by two kinds of pottery: early medieval (11th.-12th C.- fig. 3-8) and late medieval (14th.- 151h C- fig. 9-10). From the second type the most important discovery is a coin from King Stephan II (1114-1131) which is important because put it in relation with the pottery we allowed to make some chronological remarks.
  • Limba de redactare: română, engleză
  • Secţiunea: Arheologie
  • Vezi publicația: Revista Bistriţei: RB
  • Editura: Accent
  • Loc publicare: Cluj-Napoca
  • Anul publicaţiei: 2004
  • Referinţă bibliografică pentru nr. revistă: XVIII; anul 2004
  • Paginaţia: 195-208
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